Friday, February 28, 2020

Destination Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Destination Management - Essay Example The London underground is identified as the oldest underground railway existing throughout the world. London can be said to be in the consolidation of destination development. As mentioned it is rich in both natural and artificial attraction's sites. Besides that it has vigorous tourism advertisements and promotion activities that are part of destination management efforts. For instance, outlines the lined-up activities' events within London that appeals to people around the world. Visitors continued to flock to London, and it is said to attract 27 million visitors who stay overnight annually (Beesley-De, 2013). 2. Approach to destination management Basically, destination management involves three main phases, including development planning, marketing and management. Development planning involves assessing the potential of the destination, consultation and investment. Marketing involves research, target market, mix and planning, and visits and yield. Management involv es protecting resources, quality assurance and sustainable growth. Achieving these means competitive tourism to a destination. However, it must be underscored that destinations are dynamic and always evolving (Swrabook, 1999). This means that London is a continuously evolving destination that will have something new or rebrand itself to appeal to as many visitors as possible. As indicated above London boasts of some of the most visited tourism sites around the world. Besides it has the necessary facilities and amenities that support tourism. However, this success and sustainability of the same can only be achieved through consolidated efforts. There is a team responsible for development planning, marketing and management of London as a destination of tourism. This team comprises of appointees from the government of London and stakeholders in the tourism sector. This team is charged with identify what London can offer both naturally and artificially. The work of this team can be easi ly seen from the official visitor's guide identified as Here a visitor can discover London, know things to do, where they can stay, travel information and special offers. This makes London one of the most organized tourism destinations that receives a high number of visitors in Europe and worldwide. 3. System of governance London is home for two levels of government the local and national government. However, it is the local government that is responsible for administration. The local government administration is divided into two tiers-a local tier and a citywide, strategic tier. The great London Authority (GLA) coordinated the citywide administration whereas 33 smaller authorities coordinate local administration. The GLA is made up of two elected arms of government the Mayor, who occupies an executive office and London assembly check mayor’s decisions and can reject or accept the mayor’s proposals annually (Beesley-De, 2013). The command market system operates in London. The government owns and operates a significant portion of the factors of production. Infrastructure, including roads, airports, seaports and the underground railway system are owned and controlled by the government. At the same time, major tourism attraction sites as identified above are

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Multi-Culture Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Multi-Culture Britain - Essay Example 144). Therefore, Great Britain is a major destination for immigrants and it is referred to as Multi-Culture Britain today. China has been a major contributor to immigration in Great Britain and it is essential to investigate more about Chinese immigrants in Britain - how the Chinese started their immigration to Britain, what is the current situation of these immigrants, what are the general problems concerning immigration and general racism towards Chinese people and specific problem likes culture shock and people trafficking, etc. There is an important group of British Chinese (otherwise called Chinese British), the oldest Chinese community in Western Europe, including British-born Chinese in Great Britain today and they are of Chinese lineage and were born in or have migrated to the Great Britain. The Chinese immigrants in Britain today, which has been more widespread and decentralized in comparison with most ethnic minorities in the UK, face several severe issues and this paper un dertakes an investigation on their history, their current situation, and their general problems relating to immigration and wide-ranging racism. Tracing the history of Chinese immigration to the Great Britain, it becomes lucid that the first settlement of Chinese people in the United Kingdom started in the early 19th century, though the first recorded history of a Chinese inBritainis that of the scholar Shen Fu Tsong who visited King James II's court in the 17th century and spent time cataloguing the Chinese collection in the Bodleian Library. The first Chinese settlers, who were originally seamen, naturally settled in the port cities of Liverpool and London, and the first Chinatown in Britain was set up in the Limehouse area in East London. "However, the largest wave of Chinese immigration consisted mainly of male agricultural workers from Hong Kong and took place during the 1950s and 1960s Despite restrictions in immigration from current and former British colonies beginning in 1962, significant Chinese migration to Britain has continued, largely by relatives of settled Chinese and those qualified for skilled jobs. Today, a significant proportion of British Chinese are second or third generation descendants of these immigrants." (Chinese Immigration). Most of the immigrants the 1950s and 1960s were employed in Chinese restaurants and laundries, though it is no more the case with recent British Chinese community. Several Chinatowns, where Chinese restaurants and businesses prevail, were also established in numerous British cities and they have become tourist attractions. Significantly, the most important Chinese immigration, characterized by the relaxed Chinese restrictions on emigration, started in the mid-1980s onwards and has continued until today. The present situation of the Chinese immigrants in UK raises serious concerns of national and international characteristics. Along with the general issues of immigrants in the Britain and the issues that arise from the multicultural background of the nation, the Chinese experience several specific issues which distinctive of their immigrant experience in the country. Thus, a major issue is caused by the difference in language and the ensuing isolation and depression are common to the Chinese immigrants in Britain. Though there have been several attempts of support and