Monday, December 30, 2019

The Theories Of Cognitive Development - 1936 Words

In psychology, cognitive development is the process that allows people to know, understand and think about the world (Feldman, 2012). It studies how children process and gain information at a particular age and how learning mechanisms change and evolve over time. There are many theories among parents, teacher and physicians of how children grow and develop. Piaget, Erikson, Skinner and Vygotsky are all developmental theorists who studied child development. Theorists have their own ideas of cognitive development. However, some build off the others theories. The four different developmental theorists bring important ideas to the development of children. Some important ideas are the aspects of family and society. Other important ideas include culture, psychosocial and physical influences. This paper focuses on the theorist Piaget, Erikson, Skinner and Vygotsky and who brought what ideas to the psychology of cognitive development in children. Have you ever wondered why a child acts the way they do? Any reason you give would be a theory. A theory is an idea or set of ideas, which aims to explain facts or events. A theory gives reason for observations and from the idea of reason, gives possible hypotheses, which can be tested to support or challenge the theory. Piaget, Erikson, Skinner and Vygotsky are all theorist of child development. Each one has their own idea to explain the cognitive growth of children. In this paper, I will analyze the approachesShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Cognitive Development1025 Words   |  5 PagesMany philosophers have developed theories of how individuals learn over the decades. As an individual progresses through life from childhood to adulthood, the manner in which they take in knowledge, and mature is the basic theory of cognitive development. Cognitive development can be described as how an individual’s thought process develops, and how these thought processes impact how an indiv idual comprehends and interacts in the world. The psychology theorists of the past have shaped the classroomsRead MoreThe Theory Of Cognitive Development1647 Words   |  7 PagesThe study of cognitive development has played an influential role in the field of education by providing teachers with methods of pedagogy that maximise their student’s potential. This essay will address both Piagetian and Vygotskian theories on cognitive development in relation to the given scenario of year eight science students. We will look at how the teacher, Anne, has used relevant aspects of both theories within her classroom as well as any shortcomings of the theories in the class. Upon readingRead MoreThe Theory Of Cognitive Development925 Words   |  4 PagesThe development of children to an adult is a vast yet intricate process. Many psychologists today believe that the development of an infant involves acquiring intellectual abilities. This process involves the child maturing physically much like how an infant would mature to adulthood. The core issue of this reading is that how children develop and learn through the stages of life to an adult. Piaget, one of most influential researchers in the history of psychology, not only revolutionized developmentalRead MoreThe Theory Of Cognitive Development1127 Words   |  5 Pagesearly childhood is a crucial time for development. This stage of life occurs between birth and about the age of 3. This life stage really lays the groundwork for the path an individual will take in life. Hiccups in the path now, may lead to more hiccups in the future. Many developmental milestones occur during this early stage of life. A few of the key milestones are language acquisition, emotional development, motor development and gender identity development. Three men by the names of Jean PiagetRead MoreThe Theory Of Cognitive Development1752 Words   |  8 Pagesspecific, or sequential and elaborate. Piaget believed that cognitive development in children is contingent on four factors: biological maturation, experience with the physical environment, experience with the social environment, and equilibration. Equilibration refers to the biological drive to produce an optimal state of equilibrium between people’s cognitive structures and their environment (Duncan, 1995) During each stage of development, people ‘s conduct themselves with certain logical internalRead MoreTheories Of Development : Piagets Theory Of Cognitive Development1363 Words   |  6 PagesPiagets theory of cognitive development In the 1960s and 1970s, the Freudian psychology was changed with the initiation of the empirical methods to study the human behavior. Psychologist and philosopher Jean Piaget empirically verified, moving towards the cognitive development theory to provide the new perspective to the individual in getting awareness about the developmental stages of the children. Just like Freud, Piaget thought that human development could only be described in stages. On theRead MoreCognitive Theory And Jean Piaget Cognitive Development Theory Essay2016 Words   |  9 Pageslearning expansion in general and play a vital fragment of early childhood development. They all accept that cognitive learning is relatively systematic and takes place gradually at a variety of rates. Learning only occurs when experience causes a permanent change in an individual’s knowledge or behaviour (Weatherby-Fell, N. 2013). I am reviewing Burrus Federic Skinner’s behavioural theory and Jean Piaget cognitive dev elopment theory. This report style essay will provide an overview of the two theoristsRead MoreThree Theories of Cognitive Development1674 Words   |  7 PagesThree Theories of Cognitive Development The Swiss psychologist and philosopher Jean Piaget (1896-1980) is well-known for his work towards the cognitive sciences. Arguably one of his most important contributions involves his theory of cognitive development. In this theory, thinking progresses through four distinct stages between infancy and adulthood. Similar in scope to Piaget’s theory is Information Processing, in which human thinking is based on both mental hardware and mental software (KailRead MorePiagets Theory of Cognitive Development1173 Words   |  5 PagesCognitive development is the development of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Historically, the cognitive development of children has been studied in a variety of ways. The oldest is through intelligence tests. An example of this is the Stanford Binet Intelligence Quotient test. IQ scoring is based on the concept of mental age, according to which the scores of a child of average intelligence matchRead MoreTheory of Cognitive Development and Children1466 Words   |  6 PagesPiaget s Theory of Cognitive Development Jean Piaget was born on August9, 1896, in the French speaking part of Switzerland. At an early age he developed an interest in biology, and by the time he had graduated from high school he had already published a number of papers. After marrying in 1923, he had three children, whom he studied from infancy. Piaget is best known for organizing cognitive development into a series of stages- the levels of development corresponding too infancy, childhood

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Islam as a Dakwah Religion - 1092 Words

The literal meaning of dakwah in Arabic is to invite to something or to share. Islam as a dakwah religion pursues for inviting the good and forbidding the evil. It can be understood it is a way of submission and surrender to Allah. Islam commands to all Muslims to do dakwah in accordance Shariah. Dakwah is really pertinent because we have been given an important mission to reeducate, remind, convey and develop to a maintainable development in the world and hereafter. Allah has said: This is a reminder for all humanity, for those who desire the straight road. (Al-Takwir, 27-28) in his last sermon, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) emphasized the importance of dakwah ‘convey what have received from me, even if it is a verse.’ Both hadith and Qu’ranic verse references have proven that dakwah is compulsory to every believer and they should engage to it. Therefore, dakwah is considered as a duty to all Muslims. Allah (swt) mentioned a complete and comprehensive set of message about Dawah, including methodology, manners and characteristics necessarily needs to be engaged in the field of Dawah In the Quran,. The da’ee should learn and acquire those characteristics in order to carry out the mission of dakwah. It is really important for them to apply Divine methodology and manners to the success Dawah. Dakwah emphasizes on the transmission of the message of Islam to other human beings. It involves the action to bring the person to come closer to Allah, whether by actions, words andShow MoreRelatedEssay about Extremist Islamic Terrorism: Jemaah Islamiyah 4102 Words   |  17 Pagesgrass roots development up until the splintering of the group in 2000. It also provides analysis of the motivations behind its founder and the future of JI and radical Islam. The analysis is provided in seven parts that cover key areas including the inception of JI, the status and role of Ba’asyir, the ideological influence of Darul Islam, JI’s manifesto and operational charter, the splintering of JI and the future of Islamic extremists and the response from authorities. The analysis shows that IslamicRead MoreWhat Did The Muslim Brotherhood Moderate From The 1980 S 2000?1136 Words   |  5 Pagessocial services and Dakwah, the preaching of Islam (Wickham 206). The first generation of the Muslim Brotherhood believed heavily in the establishment in an Islamic order and implementing an Islamic State based on the Quran and Sharia law (208). The three core beliefs of the Muslim Brotherhood are, 1) Islam is the total system, it is complete and the final judge of life, 2) Islam is formulated from and based on the Quran and the wisdom of the Prophet (Sunna), and 3. believes in an Islam that is applicableRead MoreMoral decadence among teenagers6921 Words   |  28 Pagesof enemy was 10,000 armies while the Muslim only 3,000 armies. The whole surah portrayed severe danger and terror among the Muslims, experiencing days of siege together with the emergence of hypocrisy and cowardice faces hiding behind the name of Islam. Amidst all the worry, fear and stress, Allah SWT mentioned about the attitude of the Prophet SAW who remained being the hope, confidence and reassurance of the Muslims (Sayyid Qutb, 2006)(Salahuddin, 2009). â€Å"In God’s Messenger you have a good modelRead MoreThe Position of Islamic Lawin Malaysia15789 Words   |  64 PagesLegislature has jurisdiction, and not the Federal Legislature.2 In this regard, matters over which the State Legislatures have been permitted to make laws have been stated to be: Islamic law and personal and family law of persons professing the religion of Islam, including the Islamic law relating to succession, testate and intestate, betrothal, marriage, divorce, dower, maintenance, adoption, legitimacy, guardianship, gifts, partitions and non-charitable trusts; Wakafs and the definition and regulation

Friday, December 13, 2019

Early to Bed Free Essays

Early to Bed April 17th 2013 Section 1 It’s not unusual you can hear the floorboards creak, the toilet flush, and the sound of the first one shoe drop to the floor from your neighbor at 1 a. m. in your apartment, and you may be one of them. We will write a custom essay sample on Early to Bed or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nowadays many people stay up late, especially for those people who have variable sleep schedules, such as university students. University students usually change their sleep schedules due to studying, working for a living, or working for social networking (e. g. alcohol and caffeine consumption). Staying up late usually leads to insufficient sleep, and this situation is prevalent among university students. According to a survey done by Leon C. Lack Ph. D. in the journal â€Å"Delayed Sleep and Sleep Loss in University Students†, â€Å"A sample of 211 university first-year psychology students†¦ accounted for about 50% of the total enrollment in the course†¦ about 50% of the sample complained of insufficient sleep and estimated needing about half an hour more sleep on the average to feel rested. (Lakc, 2010) Moreover, the author also realized the linkage between staying up late and the insufficient sleep, â€Å"Delayed sleep pattern presumably arises from a delay in their endogenous biological rhythms that creates difficulty in falling asleep early enough to get sufficient sleep before necessary weekday morning awakening. † (Lakc, 2010) Both delayed sleep and insufficient sleep can cause serious healthy issues, and also affect one’s working productivity. Based on the Journal named â€Å"Pathways to adolescent health sleep regulation and behavior† by Ronald E Dahl, M. D. â€Å"There is mounting evidence that sleep deprivation has its greatest negative effects on the control of behavior, emotion, and attention†¦ the most obvious direct health consequences of insufficient sleep are high-risk behaviors associated with substance abuse and automobile accidents. † (Dahl, 2002) Delayed sleep may harass one’s circadian rhythm, and further lead to delayed sleep phase disorder. Insufficient sleep may cause emotional fluctuation, which further affect your social networking relationships since being tired usually mean s being grumpy. Students usually think that they are more productive at night, owever the truth is opposite. Humans aren’t used to saying up late, in the optimal situation, based on an article from CNN Health, â€Å"we rise in the morning and after about 16 hours of wakefulness we are sleepy and we go to bed and sleep for eight hours† (Shives, 2010) Staying up simply means we use our brains so intensively even when our brains are ready for a rest. During the weekdays, delayed sleep and insufficient sleep make us feel tired in the daytime, and it is difficult for students to be concentrated in classes, then further affect students’ academic performances. The benefits of sleeping early are obvious. Going to bed early helps us maintain the order of circadian rhythm and ensures the quality of sleep at night. Based on Dahl’s journal, â€Å"Sleep appears to be particularly important during periods of brain maturation. † (Dahl, 2002) Sleeping is the process of restoring our brain, we would be more productive, concentrated, and confident in our work during daytime. Sleeping early means we can have more time in the morning. Changing and maintain sleep schedule is a continuous process. It is impossible to accomplish all the changes overnight. In order to successfully switch sleep schedule to optimal situation, we should be aware the healthy issues derived from delayed sleep, identify a target behavior with a personal research, set achievable and incremental goals as time goes by, and finally reward your success. Section 2 As a junior-year university student at business school, both my academic and personal life have been busy, being productive is one of the major factors that let me survive. I often stayed up late to get work done since I thought sacrificing sleep created more time for work, and then I could keep abreast of my schedule. However, things just went contrary to my wishes. First of all, staying up shorted my sleep time, which led to insufficient sleep time. Then I had to use coffee to fight for fatigue and tiredness, but my productivity still kept low during classes. In order to catch up what I left during the classes, I had to spend more time to study outside. After I finished all my homework, it was usually around 1 a. m. , but the drag effect of caffeine kept me waking up at that time. My daily life was a vicious spiral and I found my body reactions slowed down physically and mentally, my motion was under the weather and even affected the relationship with my girlfriend. Therefore, the main reason I’ve chosen to sleep early is increasing my productivity and getting rid of fatigue and tiredness without caffeine. In order to optimize my sleep schedule, I organized a three-stage target schedule: The first stage (3/30 to 4/15), I went to bed at 12:00 a. m. and woke up as usual; the second stage (4/ 15 to 4/30), I went to bed at 12:00 a. m. and woke up half an hour early as usual; the third stage (After 4/30), I went to bed at 11:00 p. m. and woke up one hour early. Half a month has passed, even though I am in the second stage, but I do have some progresses that benefit for my daily life. Setting a fixed time to go to bed forces me to manage my time more effectively. Most importantly, sleeping early gives me more energy in daytime, and now I can keep my brain working without caffeine even I wake up half an hour early than before. My productivity is improving, and the biggest change is I can keep myself on the same page with professor in lectures simply because I have enough energy to think more and interact mentally. Nevertheless, things won’t change overnight, and I do encounter some difficulties during my behavior changing. So far, the biggest challenge has been my habit of staying up in my sub-consciousness. During weekdays, as long as my schedule gets crowded, I will have the intent to delay sleep time out of habit even those tasks are not urgent; in weekends, parties are attractive for me and most of them last until late night. Be honest, I did not meet my short-term goal three times so far. Reaching my ultimate goal is not easy, and I am implementing some strategies hopefully to keep myself on the right track. First of all, I believe separating my plan into three short-term stages makes my plan as a continuous improvement that is easier to accomplish and encourages me to proceed; second, finding a change agent is important. My girlfriend is my change agent, and she has helped me to act with the criteria I set closely. One advantage of choosing my girlfriend as the agent is I have to listen to her order because I do not want to piss her off. Even though I’ve not reached my ultimate goal yet, some potential long-term benefits can be observed. First and foremost, I will be more productive in my academic performance. Sleeping early provides my body an optimal circadian rhythm which gives me a high quality and sufficient sleep at night. Consequently, I will have abundant of energy to handle my busy university life. Moreover, sufficient energy will enable me to balance my academic life and personal life more reasonably, and then I will have a great passion to maintain my private relationship with my girlfriend and my social networking. Last but not least, sufficient sleep will give me a healthy life that will be the upmost foundation for my body health in my future life. Section 3 By reviewing my journal entries for the past half a month, in sum, I did follow my stage short-term target in weekdays. Meeting the short-term target in each stage is easier in weekdays because my class schedule is relatively fixed. Nevertheless, meeting the target in weekends has been the difficult part. As I mentioned in the last section, attending parties held in weekends last late made me out of my planned track. Moreover, since I was used to stay up late for a long time, sometimes I still consider staying up is a way to relax myself. As for the change of emotional process, at the very beginning, I even felt anxious when I went to bed without completing my tasks as usual, and this emotion hindered me to fall asleep. Fortunately, as I reorganized my tasks priority corresponding to my early to bed plan, and that anxious emotion has no longer been a problem. Below is a snapshot of my tracking chart. Cells with yellow filling indicate weekend days, and times in red font indicate failing fulfillments. Works Cited Lakc, L. C. (2010). Delayed Sleep and Sleep Loss in University Students. Journal of American College Health , 105. Dahl, R. E. (2002). Pathways to adolescent health sleep regulation and behavior. Journal of Adolescent Hleath , 10-11. Shives, L. (2010, 11 30). Get Some Sleep: Are you a night owl? Here’s why. Retrieved 4 17, 2013, from CNN Health: http://thechart. blogs. cnn. com/2010/11/30/get-some-sleep-night-owl-its-a-real-condition/ How to cite Early to Bed, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Factory Pollution free essay sample

Factories, while producing industry and food for human consumption, contribute to the pollution of the environment. The waste that results from factory production often ends up in the soil and subsequently in streams and rivers. Waste also contaminates the air, contributing to smog, poor air quality and acid rain. Waste can also originate from farms thousands of animals kept in small confines produce a vast amount of waste, which enters the surrounding soil and water supply. This is why I think factories that pollute the air water and soil should be closed. Factories contribute to air pollution in many ways . Whenever products are created in factories they also create something called by products. By products are things such as carbon monoxide and chlorofluorocarbons which are very harmful to our air. These by products are depleting our ozone layer as we speak. Factories also create sulfur gases which is one of the greenhouse gases. We will write a custom essay sample on Factory Pollution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They get in to our air and can cause acid rain which will destroy our crops health and water sources. Factories are polluting our water sources by the products they dump into our water directly. They are also destroying the water sources by the chemicals that are released into our air and coming back down in the form of rain. Common substances that end up in lakes, streams and rivers include mercury, asbestos and petrochemicals. Power plants raise the temperature of surrounding bodies of water. This temperature change increases the amount of oxygen in the water and kills many species that are not adapted to life in higher temperatures. The water can contaminate aquatic life and make them unable to be consumed by humans. Air pollution and water pollution subsequently result in soil pollution. Soil pollution in my opinion is the worst of the three. Soil pollution directly leads to human consumption because it contaminates the animals we consume. Soil pollution disturbs our food chain because it starts with the smaller animals that are eaten by the larger animals and it contaminates each one. Animals that live close to these waters ingest these crops which end in death or sickness in the animals In conclusion, now you should understand why factories that pollute the air should be closed. There is alternative ways to make products without factories. If we want the world to be around for generations we will have to make a change now. Go green; we have to do whatever we can to save our environment starting with closing the factories.